Submit a Research Support Request

*We are not currently accepting any parkrun research support requests or enquiries regarding new research. If this situation changes, this website will be updated accordingly. In the meantime, you can keep up-to-date with parkrun research through our online seminars, bulletins, and virtual article collections.*

We require all research projects wishing to engage in research with the parkrun community, or use parkrun secondary data, to acquire parkrun Research Board approval prior to conducting their research. This is achieved through submitting a Research Support Request (RSR) form.

We ask that the request is completed by the Principal Investigator for the project. Please be as detailed as possible.

Please note, the parkrun Research Board does not accept College, Sixth Form or Undergraduate projects. Medical / masters / postgraduate projects are only considered when the project, candidate and supervisory team are deemed exceptional according to this criteria.

Once your request is submitted we typically allow 6 weeks for a project to be reviewed. However, this is subject to Board members availability. If we anticipate a delay in your project review you will be notified by email.

For guidance on how we will use and manage your data please see our Privacy Policy.